This following instructions outlines the steps to extend the timeout from the default 30 minutes
1. Edit web.xml which you will find in the following directory using a simple text editor like Notepad:
[maximo root]/applications/maximo/maximouiweb/webmodule/WEB-INF
2. Change the value in the session-timeout tag in session-config section as follows:
<!-- The session-timeout element defines the default session timeout
interval for all sessions created in this web application. The
specified timeout must be expressed in a whole number of minutes. -->
In the above example, the session timeout is set for two hours.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Rebuild and redeploy the maximo.ear file by following the procedure in your Maximo Installation Guide.
Is there a way to disable automatic timeout session at all?
How should system properties mxe.usermonitor.timeout and mxe.usermonitor.InactiveSessionTimeLimit be set relative to an extended session-timeout in web.xml?