There is a utility for Maximo 6 that you can use to test email accounts for use with the email listener. This utility will help you determine if your email is setup properly and if Maximo is able to communicate with it.
The file utility is called “testemail.bat” and it can be found at [maximo root]:/tools/maximo/internal/testemail.bat. This tool is not officially supported by IBM, or any .bat file in this directory for that matter, so if you have any problems, you are pretty much out of luck. Here are the command line options that are available to you:
testemail.bat [host] [port] [user] [password] [protocol] [debug (true/false)]
Here is an example for POP3:
testemail.bat 110 maximo pop3 true
Here is an example for IMAP:
testemail.bat 143 maximo imap true