Change or modify the Go To menu application positions

We can already add custom modules to main Go To dropdown menu, but here are two tutorials from IBM on how to re-position the menu items with detailed instructions on updating the backend database to achieve what you want.

According to IBM, this is only for Maximo 7.5, but if you try it with Maximo 7.1 or Maximo 6.x and it works, let us know…
I have reposted it here just in case IBM support site isn’t working….

Changing Application Listings within the Go To

The MAXMENU table builds the listing and order of the Go To. To change the order/what applications appears within the Go To – run the following query:
select * from MAXMENU
where MENUTYPE = ‘MODULE’ and visible = ‘1’
order by position, subposition

The result of this query will show how the Go To menu is built.

In the following example, the Conditional Expression Manager will be moved from the Administration module to the Platform Configuration module:

1) To change a position of a Go To reference, you need to specify the MODULEAPP (what listing the application will appear in), the POSITION (numeric reference to the grouping of the application) and a unique SUBPOSITION value (in what order and where the application reference will appear).

Run the following query to gather the needed information in regards to the Conditional Expression Manager reference:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU

The following will be the result:

Run the following query to gather the needed information in regards to the Platform Configuration ‘layout’:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU
order by position, subposition

The following will be the result:

From the results above, the MODULEAPP needs to be referenced as ‘UTIL’ and the POSITION (group) needs to be ‘11130’ and the SUBPOSITION needs to be a unique value and based off the order of where the application will appear.

2) Run the following UPDATE statement to move the Conditional Expression Manager from the Administration module to the Platform Configuration application, in the very 1st position:

where keyvalue = ‘CONDEXPMGR’

set POSITION = ‘11130’
where keyvalue = ‘CONDEXPMGR’ and MODULEAPP = ‘UTIL’

where keyvalue = ‘CONDEXPMGR’ and MODULEAPP = ‘UTIL’


Run the following select statement to see the results:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU
order by position, subposition

Restart the Application Server

3) Log In to Maximo – Navigate to the System Configuration – Platform Configuration:

Changing the Sub Menu Positions With the Go To

In the below example, the out of the box Platform Configuration is displayed.

In the following example, the Application Designer reference will be moved from the 5th reference to the 1st reference.

1) The MAXMENU table holds the specific information in regards to the layout of the Go To menu. Run the following query to display the ‘Platform Configuration’:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, elementtype, keyvalue from MAXMENU
where moduleapp = ‘UTIL’
order by position, subposition

The following will be displayed out of the box:

Within the above results, the ‘Application Designer’ reference is displayed as within the MODULEAPP = UTIL, POSITION (group) = 11130, SUBPOSITION = 51.

Within the specific subposition reference of 51, this will need to be changed to a unique value less than the minimum value (min) of POSITION (group) 11130.

2) Run the following update statement:

update MAXMENU set subposition = ’10’
where moduleapp = ‘UTIL’ and keyvalue = ‘DESIGNER’


3) Restart the Application server

4) Log Into Maximo – Click on the Go To – System Configuration – Platform Configuration – the following results will appear:

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