Here is a nice little tip for when you create a result set portlet, let’s say for a list of workorders that are assigned to the current user, and you want to add a related column to the result set. For example, you want the result set to show the workorder #, description, assetnum, asset description, worktype, and reportdate and the asset description is not part of the WORKORDER object in Maximo, so you won’t be able to select it. Well here is a simple trick provided by IBM to add that relationship column to the result set.
When a Result Set Portlet is setup for the very first time, the user is presented with a list of persistent attributes or columns. These are pulled from Maximo Data Dictionary initially and then put inside another table, RESULTSETCOLS. There will be no related object attribute or dot-notation/join attributes available by default.
If there is a need to add a join column, steps below need to be followed.
For example, say the customer needs to see LOCATION.DESCRIPTION in a Result Set configured with a query based on Work Order Tracking (WOTRACK) application, where LOCATION is the name of the relationship WOTRACK object has with LOCATION object.
If a portlet was created previously using a query based on WOTRACK, then there would be data in RESULTSETCOLS table where APP=WOTRAK. Assuming there is data, prepare and execute insert statement similar to ones shown below depending upon the database platform being used:Oracle:insert into resultsetcols
( app, attribute, maintable, resultsetcolsid ,rowstamp)
(‘WOTRACK’, ‘ LOCATION.DESCRIPTION ‘, ‘WORKORDER’, resultsetcolsseq.nextval, maxseq.nextval);DB2:
insert into resultsetcols
( app, attribute, maintable, resultsetcolsid)
(‘WOTRACK’, ‘LOCATION.DESCRIPTION ‘, ‘WORKORDER’, nextval for resultsetcolsseq);update maxsequence
set maxreserved=(select max(resultsetcolsid) from resultsetcols)
;Microsoft SQL Server:
insert into resultsetcols
( app, attribute, maintable, resultsetcolsid)
(‘WOTRACK’, ‘ LOCATION.DESCRIPTION ‘, ‘WORKORDER’, resultsetcolsseq.nextval);Edit the Portlet and the new columns should be available in the Column Display Tab. [IBM Support]
this great,however you cannot sortfilter by this field. is there any way to do that
Were you able to find a solution for this? I am in need of this as well…
This is great,
i have one question … how can i hide field content depend on condition in portlet?
I would also like to be able to sort/filter by these fields. Has anyone figured this out?