Import labor codes with Maximo Integration Framework

Once you have imported users into Maximo, the next step is to import labor codes.  This is a simple tutorial that will show how  import labor codes into Maximo with the Integration Framework.  If you are migrating users from one Maximo system to another or just plain upgrading, you can import labor codes and also set the payrate, reported hours and also the YTD hours.

There is already an Object Structure available for us to use, so we can use that one.  It’s called MXLABOR.  To use interface tables again, we have to check the ‘Support Flat Structure? box and save.  If you have any alias conflicts, be sure to resolve those before moving on.

Next, go to Enterprise Services and find MXLABORInteface.  Set the inteface table name to ‘IFACELABOR’ or whatever you want and enable Message Tracking if you want by Select Action -> Message Tracking.

Now go to External Systems and find the system you want to use.  I already have one setup for interface tables called IMPORT.  Click on the ‘Enterprise Services’ tab and be sure to add the ‘MXLABORInterface’ in a new row and enable it.  Save it and click ‘Select Action -> Create Interface Tables‘.

Now can import our data into our interface table.  This import assumes that you have already created a PERSONID record and CRAFT for these laborcodes already.  We can now  import our data into the IFACELABOR database table so we can insert a record like so:


Now we can go ahead an trigger the import:

VALUES (1, 'IMPORT', 'MXLABORInterface')

Once it runs, you will have a labor code of ‘CNETH’ that is now active and associated with the correct craft.  So as I said earlier, if you are migrating labor from one system to another, you can also fill in the PAYRATE, REPORTEDHRS, YTDHRS for this labor code as well.

Series Navigation
This entry is part [part not set] of 15 in the series Import Data with MIF

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