- Import data with Maximo Integration Framework (MIF)
- Import/Export data with MxLoader by Bruno Portaluri
- Import labor codes with Maximo Integration Framework
- Import users security groups with MIF
- Import Inventory Records using Maximo Integration Framework (MIF)
- Exporting data to XML with MIF event listener for any changes on an object automatically
- Import asset classification hierarchies and classification attributes with MIF
- Import PM’s and PM sequences with Maximo Integration Framework (MIF)
- Import locations with Maximo Integration Framework
- How to import failure codes with the Maximo Integration Framework (MIF)
- Create a Person Group object structure and web services with MIF
- Screencast: Import data with XML flat files
- Export data to XML files with MIF
- Screencast: Import users and passwords with Maximo Integration Framework
- Import assets and asset specifications with MIF
Bruno from IBM Maximo Customization and Development has the best import/export tool I’ve ever seen. You can use Microsoft Excel to query and sync data to Maximo/SCCD through the MIF with a very simple and easy to use interface. This excel tool is also FREE to download! Check it out the demo video at MxLoader has been released on Bruno’s site!
Great work Bruno!