How to Change Maximo Default File Type When Adding New Attachments

This has been asked in our forum (How to change default attach type for maximo 7.5, and thanks to Menno for the great tip that lead to this post) and it’s probably one of the biggest annoying issues with Maximo.  Have you ever noticed that when you go to add a new attachment to a record in Maximo and select a file to upload that the default file type when choosing a file is set to “Cascading Style Sheet Document”?  For those of you who aren’t web developers, probably don’t have any of these files lying around for you to upload to Maximo.  But it is annoying to have to keep changing it to “all” or something more useful.

Well, here is how to permanently fix it in Maximo to default to “All Files”.

Navigate to your Maximo SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\utility.  Open the file name “uploadattachment.jsp” and search for:


There should be 3 instances of these in this file.  Change this to be:


Now save the file and rebuild your maximo.ear and deploy.  This is a permanent fix, unless you apply a patch and Maximo overwrites it.

For a quick fix that you can test immediately without deploying a new .ear file is to navigate to WebSphere installed app folder installedApps\ctgCell01\MAXIMO.ear\maximouiweb.war\webclient\utility and modify this file directly on the server.  Once saved, you can test it right away!

Note to IBM, please fix this in Maximo 7.6!   (Update: This is fixed in 7.6… Thanks for the comments guys!)

Note to IBM, this is still broken in ‘importxml.jsp’

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6 thoughts on “How to Change Maximo Default File Type When Adding New Attachments

    1. I can confirm this. I just checked in 7.6 with webconsole inspector and the accept=’text/css’ is no longer a parameter on the file selector.

  1. Thanks for this info! I needed this fixed ASAP without having to go through another upgrade. Glad to see also that you gave information to set it without an EAR file rebuild.

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